The President of AL-Mustaqbal University hold a meeting with a delegation from Nanjing University, China, in preparation for activating the recently signed mutual scientific cooperation agreement

Within the framework of AL-Mustaqbal University's directives to enhance international scientific and cultural cooperation with reputable global universities, … and in harmony with the policies of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, represented by His Excellency Minister Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, aiming to globalize Iraqi universities to achieve the desired benefits from mutual cooperation agreements, … the President of the University, Dr. Hassan Shaker Majdi, received a delegation from the well-known Nanjing University, China. The delegates are composed from several officials; academics and firm directors affiliated with Nanjing university. During the meeting, both sides presented their universities; ranks, structures, infrastructures, staff and students. Nanjing University is considered as one of the reputable global universities that has achieved advanced rankings in prominent international classifications such as, Shanghai Ranking and Times Higher Education Ranking, among others. The meeting is attended by Director Academic and Scientific Supervision, Dr. Mudhffar Sadiq Al-Zuhairi, as well as, directors of scientific affairs cultural relations divisions, alongside with number of consultants and other officials at the university.